Thursday, September 18, 2008

Success In Real Estate Investing Is A State of Mind

You'd be hard-pressed to find a person in America who doesn't want to become rich. Unfortunately, making one's fortune requires more than the simple desire to make money - one has to take charge and put in the work necessary to achieve success.

To create wealth, you must first become financially intelligent. If this sounds hard to you, well it isn't; one could fill entire libraries with what has been written regarding how to make a fortune, and the more you read, the more you'll know. Don't worry about where to start - right now, as you read this article, you are beginning. to develop the tools you need.

As you come closer to your goal of becoming rich, you will realize that they key to success isn't really mastery of the minutiae of accounting and all of the other details involved in the process. You can always find others more knowledgeable than you on these subjects. In reality, the trick is to look at money from the perspective of a rich person.

That's it. The fact of the matter is, you only have to get out of the habit of thinking like an employee and start thinking like an investor.

I'll give you a moment to digest that one. It's such a simple concept, it can take you by surprise. But it's true. Just think about the kinds of conversations you and your fellow employees tend to have when you're talking about your jobs: "If only the boss would let me do this." Or how about, "I can't do that; I'd lose my 401K!" The employee mindset is a fearful one, dependent on the system to take care of them. Oh sure, they put in the hours so they can have a roof over their head. And that's exactly what they get-a roof over their head. Maybe a two-week vacation once a year if they're lucky.

If you want more than that- to be rich, for example- you have to start thinking like the people who control the money. Think like the people who work smart, not hard. With a little thought, you can figure out how to make your money work for you.

Now, who are the people who work like that, who actually control the flow of money in our economy? You might be tempted to say "corporations," and you would be right to an extent. But corporations are not people: They are financial entities. Think about the people behind the entities and you are on the right track.

Businessmen who oversee large corporations, however, aren't quite at the top of the financial ladder; one rung above, you'll find the investors.

In contrast to hired employees and even major businessman, investors are the real financial top dogs, and this is because they really and truly have their funds working for them. This may seem like an oversimplification, but the truth is that it isn't as difficult as it may initially appear - in fact, just about anyone could do it, provided that they aren't trapped in the mentality of an employee. This self limiting, "employee," mindset is, at its heart, the reason why most people are unable to become rich.

All you have to do to become one of the big fish is invest. It's that simple. Investing in real estate is a good bet because it's a stable investment. It's so stable, in fact, that the bank will actually lend you money to purchase it. No kidding.

This is the message at the heart of all of the thousands and thousand of books and articles available to prospective investors: think like an investor, not like an employee. If you were to read it all, that's the most important lesson you'd learn. It really is that simple.

Author and Realtor Alexandria P. Anderson helps people to make money with MN real estate investing. Visit Alex's website at to view Minnesota investment property listing and to download a free copy of the investor's rental guide.